Sunday, March 29, 2020

My Chemistry Lab - Getting The Most From It

My Chemistry Lab - Getting The Most From ItAs a Chemical Engineering student, you are going to want to learn about My Chemistry Lab. Chemicals are a very important part of life and for someone in your position to not be able to handle a chemical correctly is unacceptable. You may think that you have all the knowledge that you need, but you might not. This is why you will need a supplement so that you can learn all about it.My Chemistry Lab supplements give you a quick overview of how a chemical works and what the different chemicals are, but they don't teach you how to use it correctly. The manual should include an explanation of how a chemical will react and why it will do what it will.If you have a computer at home, this means that you can access the internet and look up chemicals online. This can be a good resource for learning about a chemical, but it doesn't teach you about a chemical.The first part of My Chemistry Lab should contain information about a chemical and the various ways that it is used. You should know what a filter is, how an oxidizer functions, and how a reduction goes down.If you have a question about any of these things, the lab book can answer them. The questions are often found on the internet and the book can answer them.The second part of the book should include tutorials on a variety of chemicals that you are likely to use in the lab. There is a specific section for each chemical and this can include how to mix it, how to use it, and how to set up the laboratory.A lab book for My Chemistry Lab will help you learn how to use each chemical, as well as give you tips on how to set up the lab. This will make the process a lot easier. You should look for a lab book that covers every aspect of your chemistry lab and make sure that you have a booklet that includes all of the details. This will save you time and avoid wasting materials.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Ways to Study for Your Maths Degree at University

5 Ways to Study for Your Maths Degree at University If you're on a maths degree, you can't just study by just going to lectures and taking notes. Maths at degree level is a subject that requires active involvement both in and out of the lecture hall, and that means: you have to pay attention, you need to take copious notes in lectures, and you have to put in practice hours on your own. The good news is if you're willing, you can do it. Here's 5 ways to study for your maths degree. Take extensive notes in lectures It always pays to take detailed notes from lectures. As a rule of thumb, you shouldn't be taking down every word. Remember, you can always find formulae in your course-books but not the explanations and tips stated by your professor. It's the latter that will help you in exams and with your assignments. If you are bad at note-taking, there are two things you can do. Firstly only note critical points, arguments and themes. Underline or highlight the words and phrases that are important to you. Be ready to be an active solo learner With a Mathematics degree, you are expected to spend a significant amount of time working on your own or in small groups. As a result, you need to factor in a significant amount of time each week for independent work, to help you to retain and understand the material from lectures and work on problems you encounter as you progress. Put in the practice hours Again this is obvious, but many students overlook this when it comes to maths. With a Mathematics degree, you need plenty of practice, as it's not a subject you can memorise from a course-book. You need to understand the logic behind the problems, and this only comes easily with testing your ability and putting in the extra hours outside of lectures. Keep a positive mind-set Maths at university is a lot harder than maths at A-Level, but you can do it. Remember, all maths learning is cumulative, and you already have a wealth of knowledge from GCSE and A-Levels to build on. If you're struggling, consider using a tutor who can help you work through your weaker areas and boost your confidence around working. Create a study group To help consolidate all that you are learning in lectures and on your own, it also pays to create a small study group of like-minded peers. Here you can work on practice questions together, discuss what you have learnt in lectures and boost your weaker areas with input from others. For a Maths Tutor near you, contact us.

How to get the best from a university open day

How to get the best from a university open day Choosing which university is right for you isn't easy, which is why utilising university open days are essential in helping you make the right decision. Not only do open days show you exactly what is on offer but they also give you wider view than you'll find in a prospectus or online. Key reasons to go to an open day To see what the campus and local area are like To gauge whether the course at this university is right for you To speak to staff and students and ask questions you may have about the university. To view student accommodation on offer To go on a tour of the university To see what kind of student support is on offer When are open days? Open days start in the summer and occur in the period before the UCAS application deadline. There are also open days throughout the year and after Results Day in August for those going through clearing. Check out the university website to see when this next open day is happening. What happens on an open day? Firstly don't worry, you won't be left wandering around alone when you arrive. All universities set up a timetable of talks and tours for would-be students and their parents. This means you'll have a planned itinerary ahead of arriving of things to do if you choose to. While you may not want to do everything, it does pay to do the crucial talks and tours such as: Talks from the department you are consideringThe admissions talk The student ambassadors talk The university and accommodation toursUCAS and financial talk What else should I do? Talks and tours aside, do take time to explore the university and view it through your own eyes. This is because you need to work out if this is the best choice for you. So do take some time to see the university and area on your own to get a feel for it. Consider: Are all the facilities up to date? Is there a good variety of student groups on offer?Is the local area interesting? How far is the university from your home? What are the student facilities like on and off-campus?Do you get a good feeling about the local area and university? Questions to ask the university staff Next, be ready to ask questions to the staff leading the tours and talks. This is an integral part of any open day as it's through these questions that you will start to build up a clear picture of what life will be like at this university. Questions to ask include: How much self-study do I need to do outside of lectures?How much tutor support will I receive each term?How is the course assessed - exams, course work - both?If I don't meet the grades, is there still a chance I could be offered a place?What careers support is there for undergraduates?How much counselling support is there for student mental health?What's in place for safety on campus? Questions to ask student ambassadors Equally, student ambassadors can often offer you an alternative insight that university staff can't about what attending the university as a student is like. Good questions to ask are: What has been the best and worst thing about university for you? Is teaching support good?Is the local area suitable for students?Is the student social life good?Are you happy with your accommodation?Are sports facilities varied?What does the student union provide? It's always worth going to 3 or 4 open days and maybe even revisiting one before you fill in your UCAS application or choose via clearing. Remember to take notes about each open day you go to so all your open days don't merge into one. All open days are free to attend, but places must be booked so go through the websites to check when they are happening. If you need support with any A-level subject we can help with everything from Maths Tutors, Physics tutors, History Tutors and more.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

In-Demand Skills to Learn from Online Courses That Will Complement Any Resume

In-Demand Skills to Learn from Online Courses That Will Complement Any Resume Photo Via: 1. Academic Writing One of the first, and most important, items on this list is the ability to write academically. While it’s safe to assume you will need to do very little academic writing once you graduate from college, the skills you obtain from academic writing will translate into any position that you obtain. Writing is such a huge part of business communication, which means it’s essential to maintain a professional and direct tone in your business writing, which all stems from academia. Writing a paper is not all that different from writing a report, or a proposal, or a business agenda. Basic writing skills are going to be useful throughout your career, so taking any online writing courses will surely benefit you in the long run. 2. Excel While most individuals have worked with excel by the time they move into a full-time position, they only have the basic skills needed to create a basic spreadsheet. However, the more advanced the skills you have in excel are, the more likely you are to catch the eye of the hiring manager. Excel comes into play in many ways, including, but not limited to, accounting, metrics reports, human resources data storing, goal completion tracking, etc. Basically, in any potential role, there is room for excel usage, which means that having the skills necessary to create complex and useful spreadsheets is a resource that employers find very valuable. If you can take an online course that offers any form of excel expertise, it’s in your best interest to take it, no matter the field you are planning to go into. 3. HTML While hiring individuals with coding experience is in high demand at the moment, basic HTML experience is also useful in a variety of ways. Basically, there are very few individuals that are technologically capable within a company, and many hiring managers opt to hire individuals to take on that role in full. For that reason, if you have even basic HTML experience, you could end up being very valuable to the hiring manager in question, as you have experience that’s going to help them without them having to hire outside help. For many organizations, hiring individuals with this expertise results in outsourcing certain projects or bringing on consultants to save money. With the experience under your belt, you eliminate this need, thus increasing your potential value with an organization. 4. Organizational Skills Easily the most important item on this list, individuals are looking for organizational skills when they bring on a new employee. This doesn’t simply mean that your desk should be neat and tidy, but rather, that you can keep track of deadlines, manage a heavy workload and maintain your email inbox so that you don’t lose sight of important action items. Staying organized is key in this manner, as there are countless individuals at companies that don’t have these organizational skills, which causes problems for their managers, their departments and, sometimes, the company as a whole. Online classes teach you to stay organized by necessity, as you are responsible for your own schooling, keeping you accountable to yourself, much like is done in the business world. 5. Email Etiquette It seems ridiculous, but composing a work-appropriate, professional email is much more in demand than you would think. The basic email etiquette is a learned skill, and many individuals within companies don’t have it. For one, there is the issue of “replying all” when an email doesn’t call for it, composing a direct, non-wordy body and using the proper greeting and signature. Most employers plan to teach new hires the proper etiquette prior to their start, but it’s easy enough for you to simply take a course online now and learn the skills yourself, prior to even starting a position. While this isn’t the most important in-demand skill, it is going to set you apart from the competition and could just be the difference between you getting an interview or not. Infographic Via Canva 6. Management Skill While you should never expect to begin a new position at the managerial level, having basic management skills before you even start a new position is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Basically, this is the perfect leg up. Management skills are always useful, whether you have direct reports now or will be getting them sometime in the near future. These skills teach you how to be a team player, how to work well with others and how to delegate tasks effectively. Again, not all of this information is going to be immediately relevant to you in your first role, but it is useful information to have in your back pocket when a potential employer is taking a look at your resume. 7. SEO For those of you that aren’t familiar with the term, the term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO experience is very valuable to employers, as it helps your business to stay relevant, in front of your intended audience and at the top of your game. Many businesses use this to rank on Google (which means their website appears as one of the first options for a certain search term), but they can also be used in social media posts, blog posts and any other marketing collateral your business puts out there. Again, no matter what industry you plan to work in (though certain industries, such as marketing, will find this skill more valuable), having SEO experience is a huge plus when an employer is looking at a resume. Most employers don’t have this experience, hiring outside consultants to run their ads and deal with this matter, which means that when you have the experience, you become more helpful to your manager. Online courses tend to teach basic SEO skills, which is really all you need to get started, as a lot of experience comes from practice. The more you work with SEO, the more likely you are to become an expert in this regard, which will always be of benefit to your employer. Even if it means you are simply making suggestions to the marketing department in organizational meetings, this is a great skill to have and you will find your employer finds it just as useful as you do. 8. Certifications Again, no matter the field you are in, there are many certification programs out there, many of them also online, that you should be taking advantage of. Some certification programs are more beneficial than others, but most act as resume buffers no matter what. As previously mentioned, management certification courses are always an option, but there are countless others that are worth looking into. This requires a bit more research on your end, as you should always look up the field you are planning on going into, what certifications are valuable in that field, and then look in your course directory to see if there are any courses in that field available to you. The more research you do, and the more certifications you obtain, the more likely your resume is to stand out in front of a potential employer, even if you don’t have any work experience. Also keep in mind that there are certification programs that potentially raise your starting salary, as they are essentially the equivalent of having another degree. Always know your worth and be sure to fully look into these programs to get a better idea of what will work for you and what won’t. Just be careful not to price yourself out of consideration! 9. Communication Skills Communication is key. The phrase is a popular one for a reason; it’s true. Having the proper communication skills is essential to any successful career, just ask anyone. Employers, when looking at the resume of an entry level candidate, look for keywords, such as communication, to ensure they have a candidate that they can work with. While a lot of this information is going to come out during an interview, it’s also an essential item to list on your resume to ensure you are getting that interview. Basically, if you don’t have basic communication skills, no employer is going to want to work with you, which means that you aren’t going to get that initial interview. However, if you do list these communication skills, and if you took an online course that expanded these skills beyond the basic subset that most college graduates will have, your resume is going to stand out and you will be more likely to be selected to interview. Whether soft communication skills or hard, writing-related communication skills, any additional experience you have is well worth it. And, if that’s the case, you can allow those communication skills to shine in the interview, landing the job all because of one online course that set your path exactly where you needed it to go. 10. Work Ethic The best was saved for last, and that’s because it’s an intangible item that most individuals don’t give two thoughts to. Employers often find more of the same when hiring new candidates, and it’s difficult to trust an individual to work hard when they don’t have an apparent work ethic. Nine times out of ten, if you list experience with online courses, outlining the relevance to your work ethic, you’re going to land an interview. Employers want employees that are going to work harder than everyone else, as they already have enough direct reports to worry about. The less your employer needs to worry that you’re doing what needs to be done, the less stress they will have on their end. All online courses are courses in work ethic, as attendance isn’t mandatory and all the work falls to you. It’s very easy to skimp out on your online courses and do the bare minimum, but attending each course, finishing the lesson plans and readings, and acing the tests will ensure that your work ethic is one an employer is interested in. Make sure that you are highlighting this experience in your cover letter, as this is very relevant and will undoubtedly be helpful in improving your resume as a whole. Photo Via: The job market is a pretty vast area, and while unemployment rates may be fairly low, that’s not to say that finding the right job is a cakewalk. It’s important that you are adding as much to your resume as possible, especially when you don’t have any “real world” experience. For this reason, ensure you are taking the right courses throughout your college career to complement your resume, even without job experience. Online courses are a fantastic way to achieve this, as they provide you a relaxed environment and offer cover more topics than the typical, classroom setting. Be aware that online classes also tend to be shorter in nature, which means that you are learning the same amount of information in a small amount of time, so ensure you are making the most of the classes you attend rather than simply signing up in order to get the credits without having to leave your apartment. So long as you take advantage of the courses and truly implement the practices you learn in your career, your resume will be a shining example of what it means to be a dedicated student and a competent employee. Happy job hunting!

Learn From Distance Learning

Learn From Distance LearningNewPath Tutoring is a fully accredited, state-approved distance learning center in Las Vegas, Nevada. This online institute serves several Las Vegas campuses of 'Pathway to Success,' and is especially designed for students who have found success with online learning but wish to complete their education in a traditional classroom setting.NewPath Tutoring offers many benefits to students who are seeking a degree in the field of nursing, education, adult education, education and counseling, health administration, massage therapy, culinary arts, law, or other academic areas. If you desire to earn your degree online, or want to complete an advanced degree online, NewPath Tutoring provides a great variety of programs that are tailored to your educational interests. What makes NewPath Tutoring so unique is the access to specialized learning programs that are online from a traditional classroom setting.As an accredited distance learning program, NewPath Tutoring c an provide many benefits to students who are seeking distance learning degrees. While most schools offering distance learning degrees offer a wide variety of programs, this school has produced an extensive series of programs in a variety of academic areas. NewPath Tutoring courses can be found in areas such as nursing, education, health administration, counseling, management, criminal justice, education, and more.These courses are taught online by instructors who are licensed and have received their degree from accredited institutions. The goal of this university is to teach students who do not have a traditional education the strategies necessary to obtain a degree from any traditional university.Another benefit to students who are taking distance learning courses is the ability to interact with their peers in a classroom setting. This university offers a variety of programs for students to take in order to meet their education goals, as well as those who wish to earn an advanced d egree.Finally, a benefit to those who pursue distance learning is the flexibility of accessing courses that are most convenient for them. This university offers both traditional classes and distance learning classes, depending on individual needs. Students who are working full time or have children at home can easily take part in a distance learning program to earn their education degree.The flexibility of distance learning and distance education has enabled the school to offer numerous programs to help students find a degree that best fits their needs. Whether you are studying for a job, taking an advanced education course, or looking to gain a specialization in one of the many academic areas offered by this university, NewPath Tutoring offers a variety of programs to suit your needs.

When Can You Get Help With Algebra II?

When Can You Get Help With Algebra II?If you want to learn algebra II, you can find help online for free. Whether you are a traditional or online student, there is something available for you to learn this topic. Some of the resources include online classes, practice tests, textbooks, workbooks, and interactive resources. What you choose will depend on your needs.You can use an online class to learn from a workbook. If you have a little time to spare, you can complete an online course. You will get help with the worksheets, practice problems, practice exercises, and so on. One disadvantage is that you cannot see or interact with others. You can, however, record and share your work with others online.If you are not concerned about assignments, and you don't mind taking time off to study, you can find help with an online textbook. These books offer online help with calculators, worksheets, problem solving, and so on. Most workbooks give you a variety of online classroom options, so you can learn at your own pace. The advantage is that you don't have to worry about what is going on at home, or in the classroom.Another option is to use a course to learn algebra II. The way they work is that you find a course of study, or study guides, that are related to the content of algebra II. You complete these classes, and you will be ready to take the next step toward that goal.Even if you don't want to download a book, you can learn the basics of algebra II online. Most of the more advanced methods require a program such as PLCs. These programs are designed to help you work your way through algebra II in a 'learning style' that is interactive and hands-on.You may find some of the web-based free resources quite interesting. It's great to see what is available for the resources you are interested in. If you want a simple solution, but you want it fast, then it's your choice to select one of the programs to learn the appropriate way to solve problems.Some free materials are al so available for algebra. The same option you choose for the book will be available for the workbook. No matter what you want to do, there is an option available to you.

Learn Maths Online

Learn Maths Online Teach Yourself Maths Online ChaptersWhy Learn Maths Online?Studying Maths with Online ResourcesOrganising Maths RevisionHow to Teach Yourself Maths on Your Computer“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” - Albert EinsteinMaths isn’t just multiplication tables, mental arithmetic, or algebra, it’s a skill that can also be for problem-solving, programming computers, or studying sciences.If you’re good at maths, there's a high probability you'll be good at problem-solving and develop useful skills for outside of the classroom like understanding a graph, dividing a bill, or just having a better understanding of your finances.So how can you use your computer to gain a mastery of maths?If you've grasped counting, addition and subtraction but not much else, are struggling with your homework, or just an avid learner who feels let down by their maths skills, it might be worthwhile getting out your old textbooks, turning on your computer, and sitting down to study some maths.In this artic le, we're going to look at how you can learn maths at your own pace with a number of digital learning strategies including maths websites, quizzes, worksheets, etc. If you can't pay maths tutors to teach you maths, these resources could end up being more useful than any textbook! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Learn Maths Online?Before we mention anything, you need to know that arithmetic is a branch of maths conc erned with the science of numbers and that there are several types of number:Decimal numbers and place valueRelative numbersPrime numbersWhole numbersComplex numbersYou'll soon get over your fear of numbers! (Source: TheDigitalArtist)Better yet, these numbers can be subjected to mathematical operations such as:Simple calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisionComplex operations: equations, inequations, proportionality.These are fundamental to understanding maths, be it arithmetic, symmetry, geometry, or even trigonometry.They can also be used to solve maths problems in school or understand Pythagoras’ theorem and Thales’ theorem.Most people think that there are only two ways to learn maths:at schoolwith a private tutor or educatorWhen in fact, there’s a third way:teaching yourself about maths from in front of your computer.Of course, when we say computer we could also say:LaptopDesktopTabletSmartphoneThere are plenty of devices you can use! This is also wh y we’ve seen a huge increase in ways to learn online, even when it comes to maths. There are a number of advantages to learning this way:You can learn everything about maths (which can sometimes be overwhelming)You can use your devices almost anywhere in real-time.You can learn whenever you want toYou have an entire library of resources available to you including maths games and appsThere are a lot of different types of content including audio (podcasts) and written resources. Another advantage is the fact you can get your hands on new linear algebra or integral calculation software quicker than you could with a private tutor or in a class.Studying maths doesn’t need to be a chore! Whether you’re on the bus, between two meetings, or relaxing in your room, you can learn whenever you want.“Each student has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to maths. Not everyone is familiar with working on a computer, either. It’s a fun and relaxed way for students of all ages to do maths exercises” Olivier, maths tutor.Studying Maths with Online ResourcesLearning maths is more than just learning theories, formulae, and times tables off by heart, you have to be able to reason and understand certain things. To improve, there are plenty of teaching resources available online.There are plenty of games that are also good for helping you to learn maths. (Source: stevepb)There are maths games on derivation, the sides of a polygon, fractions, graphing, etc. You have everything you need.Most of the exercises online also bear the names of famous mathematicians like Euclidean division or Napierian logarithms.  There are several different types of maths games:Logic gamesCalculus gamesAlgebraic gamesGeometric gamesGeneral maths gamesDaily maths games, like Sudoku and puzzlesMany maths games websites have games for all types of levels. You can find interactive games on both simple and complex themes like how to solve a differential equation, linear equations, and w ord problems.There are also resources for those who want to combine their maths and their computing studies.You can learn more about fields such as:Computer programmingObject-oriented programmingLearning programming languagesOnline coding coursesMaths in the national curriculumIf you want to effectively study maths, you can visit specialised maths websites:CorbettmathsIlluminationsKhan AcademyOnline maths exercises are a great way to check if you’ve understood what you’ve been studying. You can then get your daily practice by downloading apps for your smartphones or tablets.Math 42, an app for secondary school students who want to develop their maths skills.Todo Math, an app with fun and interactive lessons for younger children.Photomath, an app which lets you take photos of equations and then solve them. King of Math, an app which, as the name suggests, can help you become pretty good at maths.Using maths apps is a fun and useful way to brush up on your logic skills.  Maths Res ources To Help With RevisionYou should also have a look at some of these great maths websites and apps:ResourceProsConsSudoku, Chess, and Board GamesEasy to learnNot for specific maths skillsMontessoriMulti-platformJust for kidsiToochPositive reinforcement, progression, built-in calculatorRigid structure, American school systemBBC BitesizeWide range of subjects, activities, levelsBritish curriculum onlyAB Math LiteBright and colourful app, freeMostly arithmetic,Organising Maths RevisionIn reality, it’s not as complicated studying maths as it is studying physics, chemistry, history, or geography: you just need to put a plan together and you’re ready to go. This is really useful if you’re:Preparing for an end of year exam.Studying for a specific qualification like the GREGetting ready for an entrance examMake sure that you carefully plan your revision. (Source: StartupStockPhotos)Put together a plan with all the different aspects of maths that you’ll have to study. Make sure y our goals are achievable:Consider starting with a maths level test so you can work out your strengths and weaknesses.Order your exercises (especially with algebra) so that you can memorise and improve your knowledge of the fundamentals first, especially if you struggle with learning new things or the more challenging aspects of maths.Do memory exercises for different types of memory.Ask an online maths tutor to regularly test you.Improve your knowledge with past papers.With the right methods, it can be easy to conquer maths. Make revision sheets and sort them according to difficulty, go back over them, and surround yourself with an online group or community of other students.How to Teach Yourself Maths on Your ComputerNot everyone is going to immediately understand what a square root or a scalar product is at the first time of asking. You’ll need to learn certain numerical tables, then apply them according to certain problems and in terms of the maths rules involved.Just because i t's fun doesn't mean it's not educational! (Source: StartupStockPhotos)If you’re looking to learn more about the divisibility rule or a linear function, you can find tonnes of exercises online.If you want to succeed, make sure you’re patient and willing to learn. You’ll need to be really motivated and know how to motivate yourself since when it comes to playing a maths game and a regular game, it’s very easy to choose the latter option. If this is the case, a maths tutor can help you do things like:Plot curvesBrush up on subjects that are likely to appear on your examsCreate a mental mapYou can do all of this without even picking up a maths book. This is one of the reasons why maths is one of the most popular subjects for distance learning. That said, you can also use your computer for other things related to maths like:Learning more about the history of mathsLooking for web development or programming classesStudying some of the less popular maths topics like boundary functi ons, measuring angles, quadratic equations, or triangles.There are some really good programmes which are both educational and useful for doing maths functions or plotting shapes or graphs.You can get a visual representation of what you’re studying and use online graphical calculators to make sure you make the most of every minute you spend studying.Programmes like Dmaths or Xcas are often used on courses at universities or beyond. They are useful for doing mathematical calculations, vector drawings, as well as statistics.“My maths students weren’t very attentive in maths class. However, once I started using teaching resources like maths games or online activities, they became more hard-working, gained reasoning skills, and learnt more quickly” says Isabelle, a maths tutor on Superprof.After that, you’ll be a maths master. Getting online maths lessons can help you gain more confidence in maths or even maybe become the next great mathematician.It’s also a good idea to stud y using resources on your computer alongside private maths tutoring! Tutorials are a great way to learn to do maths in a fraction of the time.See here how you can:Learn Maths easilyLearn Maths quickly